How do I use quartz buckets?

dab rig quartz banger

Quartz buckets are special accessories used to consume cannabis concentrates like wax, shatter, and oil. They are typically made of high-quality quartz and are designed to be heated to high temperatures to vaporize the concentrate for inhalation. This section provides step-by-step instructions on how to use a quartz bucket:

1. Prepare the setup

Make sure you have all the necessary tools for dabbing, including a quartz bucket, dab rig or water pipe, butane torch, dab tools (dabber, cab cap, etc.), and concentrate of your choice.

2. Fill the rig with water:

 If you are using a dab rig with a water chamber, fill the rig with water to the appropriate level. The water will cool the steam as it passes through the rig, resulting in a smoother and more enjoyable dubbing experience.

3. Attach the quartz bucket to the rig:

Insert the quartz bucket into the joint of the dab rig and secure it snugly. If necessary, use glass adapters or other accessories to achieve proper connection.

4. Heat the quartz bucket:

Heat the bottom of the quartz bucket evenly with a butane torch. Direct the flame directly at the bottom of the bucket and move the flame to heat it evenly. Heat until the bucket begins to red-hot or reaches the desired temperature (usually 350°F to 600°F, depending on personal preference and type of concentrate).

5. Cool the bucket:

After heating the quartz bucket, allow it to cool briefly (usually 30-60 seconds) to the optimal temperature for dubbing. The optimal temperature for dubbing depends on the type of concentrate, the thickness of the bucket, and personal preference.

6. Dab with concentrate

Take a small amount of the concentrate of your choice using a dab tool (usually called a “dab”) and place it on the heated quartz bucket. To avoid burns, be careful not to touch the hot surface of the bucket with your fingers.

7. Inhale and enjoy:

Once the concentrate is in the bucket, place the carb cap over the bucket to regulate airflow and vaporize it efficiently. Then inhale slowly through the mouthpiece of the dab rig and inhale the vapor into your lungs. Exhale and enjoy the effects of the dab.


After dabbing, be sure to clean your crystal bucket to remove any remaining concentrate or residue. Wipe the inside of the bucket with a cotton swab or tip dipped in isopropyl alcohol to remove any residue. Rinse the bucket with water and dry thoroughly before next use.

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